Scream Pic!

authors note: angora my horrible grammar.
It was just a regular day, i was watching some of magicofrahat's vids and had came across the scream pic prank. Thinking that the video was so funny, I decided to download the application onto my iPhone and test it out. been the girl i was, i was into pranking so i bought the app just to prank a couple of my friends.
the only fault i had noticed when bying the app was that the application picture had the devils number on int. once i opened the app, i tested the picture prank, but when the camera shuttered the jumpscare didn't come hahahaha come out; it was just like what ud expect taking a picture on your phone using the camera application. i tried to contact the person behind the application, but didn't respond buck. after a busy proactive day (not thinking about the scream app), i decided to go back on the app and try the scare again but it dint work once more. rebooting the iPhone, that shit still didn't work! i tried every tin i could 2 fix the appellation even the first time i was going to delete it and reinstall until i got a mysterious masage from an unknown person: downt delete me.
this is wen i started to become intempered in my dark blue lulu's, hell i had not had so much water in my system. feeling that same area, i felt some thing crunching me - i was in a dipr . i decided to go back to the app just for the hell of it, when another one pooped up: 📹 💦😖
okay... i open the camera application: 😁. i snapped a pic of myself, and then... 😱 bughuul!!! RIGHT IN MY FACE! scared out of my mind, i had urind myself in my dark blue lulu's, streaming down 2 mi converse white shoes and all over my bum, but it was not like i had my perod, it was red! HOLY FUKIN' SHIT!!! I HAD BGAN SHTTING MYSELF MADLY 💩💩💩😆 AND THAT WAS ALSO RED! THEN, skeleton posed out and fuckd me in the asshole that i began ejactlateing out my mouth and puking up red und my organz und inside, all over my white tank and dark blue hoodie. i was then on command to swallow my phone which made me began to shit myself inside out until i was nothing but did rotten skin on the floor. the entire event wa s filmed and pit up on you pron
i now am a ghdot so this why aim typing this app now; don't by any if ease pop le that try to trick u. fucker.